Game mechanics - Agents and distributors recruitment map


Choosing the best plan for agents and distributors recruitment becomes very easy when you analyze the main factors that affect it. The exact number of agents available in the next period depends on several factors:

  1. Number of agents and distributors
  2. Support
  3. Commission
  4. Euro exchange rate (only for distributors)


Using information about available agents in the next period from several reports, you can build a map. Map will graphically show you zones and distribution of available agents based on the factors above.

You can see a part of such map with colored zones of available agents where commission is 9%. Horizontal - Support dependence. Vertical - Recruitment dependence (number of employed agents).

Example, we need to know how many agents to recruit if we need 6 agents in the next period with commission 9% and support 10. Horizontal line - support 10, descends vertically to the intersection with the cell, where it will be 6 and look for the intersection with the vertical line - recruitment 8. That is it, if commission 9%, support 10, recruitment 8, we will every time get 6 agents.

Step by step, map is built for the commission 8%, 7%, 6%, etc. On the map you will see boundaries of the recruitment zones and number of agents. This way you can compare the various options for recruitment required number of agents and find optimal values to save costs (minimums).

For distributors, there is an additional factor - euro exchange rate. The higher it is, the better the conditions for recruitment and the more distributors will be hired. Turning point (boundry) for this factor is euro exchange rate >= 1.25, rate > 0.67 and < 1.25, rate < 0.67. For each of the cases you need to build a separate map, because zones shift +/- 1 distributor.

Hint - agents minimums (support and recruitment) are the same for commission ranges 3-5%, 6-8%, 9-11%. That is why more profitable to choose recruitment plan at the lower boundary of range with commission 3%, 6% and 9%. If commission is less than the lower boundary range by 1% (5%, 8%, 11%), you will need to increase support or recruit more agents to get the same number of available agents in the next period, so it will be more expensive.

You can purchase Agents and distributors - Recruitment map for each scenario in our store.

Automatic selection of the optimal plan for agents and distributors recruitment is built into the Calculation model, which can also be purchased in our store.

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