Bonus - International Final
Brief about International Final and what to do, if you do not want to fail.
Demand factor - Research and development
To estimate impact of R&D on market, it is necessary to calculate quality of products before and after R&D implementation. Quality of products is measured in units from 60, as described in topic product quality estimate. When you get MINOR, it is immediately implemented in production in current period (+6 units). Effect on demand from implementing MINOR and getting MAJOR is equal (+6 units). Effect on demand from implementing MAJOR is +20 units.
Demand factor - Prices
Prices - one of the easiest ways to regulate sales of products. Price changes do not have big residual effect on sales. After returning to the original value of the price, sales restore to its original level (other things being equal).
Game mechanics - Dividends
Normally, when anybody asked about dividend, the question sounds like - "How many dividends I need to pay in current period?". But this is an incorrect question, because it is important not only - how much to pay, but also - how to pay.
Demand factor - Training
Training - one of new features in GMC simulator. it is very similar to management budget and affects same productional and financial performance of the company, but less powerfull:
Goodwill - Goodwill factors
Lets remember how to calculate Investment perfomance (IP):
Bonus - Management reports mining
Each player of Global Management Challenge championship, while getting new knowledges, has one main problem - searching new data for analysis. Main data-source is management report, the more, the better - more opportunities for team to analyze and develop the best strategies. If we know the fact that each round every team make decision with 75 different combinations and each of them has unique impact on the result, then we should have really a lot management reports - hundreds and thousands to make representative analysis. If you play in GMC by all rules, then you will collect, for example 100 reports at least 5 years - 1 championship a year, 4 rounds in the championship, 5 management reports in the round (of cause if you wil not lose in 1 round). During this time, your competitors (which are less legible) will go far away and will be invincible for you. Therefore, search and analysis of new and new management reports - basis of successful performance in the championship.
Game mechanics - Investment perfomance
What is it - Investment perfomance? Lets check how manage and maximize it.
Demand factor - Assembly time
Assembly time is one of the most underrated factors. A common optimum of assembly time for products is 110% - 120%, but the real optimum of assembly time can greatly go beyond this range, as it depends on several factors:
Demand factor - High quality raw materials
High quality raw materials (HQRM) - one of the key elements GMC simulator, which must be applied properly. HQRM influence on sales in the current period, there is no residual effect. The residual effect is possible only when the product is not implemented with HQRM and lay in stock. So it will affect on sales in future periods until it will be completely sold from warehouse.